Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mental Health stories

Mentally Healthy story
Joe is walking to school, he sees all of his friends and says hi to them, engaging in small conversation every once in a while.  This makes him happy, he progresses through his day until he remembers that he forgot to do his homework and the teacher scolds him in front of the class for not doing it.  This makes him a little angry at the teacher but he gets over it and remembers to do his homework the next night to avoid getting embarrassed.
Mentally Unhealthy story 
Bob walks to school, other kids say hi to him and he gives them the middle finger, none of them provoked him and he isn't angry about a previous situation.  He is angry at these kids for no apparent reason.  Bob did his homework, unlike Joe, and is praised in front of the class by the teacher.  Out of nowhere Bob punches the teacher in the face and is expelled.  Upon expulsion he laughs and dances around the principals office as if he's happy.  Note that Bob doesn't particularly hate his school and knows that it will go on his record.  For no apparent reason Bob is happy to expelled.     

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