Saturday, December 13, 2008

Essay Intro/background info

“What is a Good and Meaningful Life?”

            People define what a good and meaningful life is based on their culture.  Culture can be grouped into several categories.  Corporate Culture, any culture that’s sold for example, TV, news, products and other kinds of media are corporate culture.  Another part of culture is folk culture, culture expressed by word of mouth, this is usually based on family and friends who may have told you stories like “the 3 little pigs” which is passed on by word of mouth and is folk culture, unless its sold as a book.  The last part of culture is called “big-sub-culture” a big sub culture is a culture that most people know about that’s a part or is contained in a larger culture.  Big sub cultures like Christianity in America are part of American culture and most people know about it but not all people are Christians.

            Each of these categories can then be broken down into sub categories based on their messages.  These are dominant messages that are obvious and noticeable, marginal messages, which may be harder to pick up on and are sometimes unintentional, and unacceptable the “bad” messages that are prohibited based on that culture’s values but still make their way into society.

            Dominant corporate messages in society are the most obvious messages to perceive, this is usually the moral of a story or the main theme of a song, article etc.  Depending on where you look you can find totally different messages in culture.

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