Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dominant Corporate messages

Dominant messages are the most obvious and are the most intentional messages in media.  These messages are specifically put there by the creator to get a point across, these messages are in everything regardless of weather they are intentional or not.  The dominant message of "Game pro" magazine is that life is upgradable, they advertise the newest gaming systems and games, gadgets and other electronics.  This implies that we should improve themselves, the way that we do that as Americans is to buy bigger and better things thus a meaningful life according to Game pro magazine is to have the newest and best electronics and games.
"The Economist" made its own statement about what a good and meaningful life was.  The economist encourages the reader to buy things, not only commercial goods like the cars they advertise but they influence investing as well through stock data graphs and market predictions.  The Economist not only emphasizes the need for material possessions but also states that money on its own is important through its use of investment information.  There are also pictures of business men and other rich people to entice readers to become like them.  To the economist a good and meaningful life includes expensive things, money and power in the form of a high paying career.      

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