Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Response to Industrial Food Production

The internet flash cartoon "The Meatrix" addresses many different reasons for why industrial food production is wrong, mainly on the part of animal cruelty or health.  They bring up valid points about pollution in farms due to the bad hygiene of the animals.  They also address certain health problems that can come from artificially created hormones that they ween their cows with which can cause health problems for the animals and the consumer.  While these facts are true I don't have a strong hatred for these farm owners, the farm owners are wrong for what they're doing but our society is spoiled on food.  Stopping this mass production wouldn't be supported by the majority of America (the fat people who don't care about animals outnumber the skinny educated people who do care).  I see mass production farms as necessary only to our fattened culture, we can't change our farms until we learn to appreciate animals and live on less food.
Michael Pollan, writer of "The Omnivores Dilemma" and "In Defense of Food" was interviewed by Stephen Colbert.  In this interview Stephen Colbert jokingly asked Pollan if he let his son eat cocoa pebbles, which would be deemed as unhealthy, to which he responded yes but he clarified that we should enjoy certain foods in moderation.  The lesson to be learned from this is that we should be responsible for our own health, letting someone tell us how to eat doesn't make sense because they don't understand our health.  He brought up a point about how humans can't process high fructose corn syrup as well as natural substances, which seems logical.  This leads to health problems that we all suffer from since HFCS is in most of what we eat.        

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