Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Reflection

Barack Obama's speech was very inspiring and uplifting, this is because of his command over the english language and charisma.  His speeches are designed to include everyone and to speak to all of America, this creates a sense of involvement and belonging that we crave in leadership.  Obama's speeches give us guidance and tell us how to live our lives and what to do to serve our country while giving us confidence to do those things.
He tells us that we need to sacrifice and work hard for our lives of freedom, we need to be patriotic and thank the country for all of the opportunities it's given us and we need to support our country and be involved in it and its politics.  In his speeches he reminds us that we have to be a part of the community and that we have to let our voices be heard, he tells us that we can do it and that with hard work we will do it.
Barack Obama's ability to write and give speeches is what's made him so popular, he makes sure to inspire each and every American to do what's right for their country and he tells us what to do to become involved in the community and in our country.  He inspires us and leads us and that's what a president should do.       

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